Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm a Snacker

So I finally got bored of my bare cupboard and refrigerator shelves and headed to Trader Joe's after work.

I was standing at the check out, and I started bagging my own groceries to make the whole thing go a little faster. All of the sudden, the woman behind me in line says "You're a snacker!" I look up like, whathuh? Then she proceeds to come up and examine my purchases more closely.

This woman is probably in her 50s...and she's saying everything in a nice, yet too excited tone.

I responded that I am a snacker and prefer to eat little things throughout the day. I looked at the cashier a couple of times for reassurance through this woman's commentary on my grocery trip.

She isolated the sushi, (You've got quite the variety!) as well as the quiche (What, is that lunch or something?) and the whole grain french toast (What do you do, put it in the toaster? //No, I have a toaster oven. // You can't just make it really quick in a pan?)

I reassured her that I CAN make French toast that doesn't come out of a box. I just like this kind. As for the quiche, I eat it like anything else, whenever I'm sitting there and think, "You know what would be REALLY good right now?"

After ripping my selection apart, the woman looked right at the cashier and said, "I like what she bought." About MY purchases.


PS and off topic...The new show "Farmer Wants a Wife" takes place in a town called Portage des Sioux, Missouri. That's about a halfhour from my parents' house. I've been to a "bar" there. (and played tambourine onstage! what! what!) I hope they show it on the show. You guys get ready for the classiness that is the country people who live near the river north of the StL.

I mean, the farmer says Missouruh. Ugh. There is an i on the end!!! That means it's pronounced Muh-zer-EEE.

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