Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Helpful Tip

I am by no means a financial expert, but I read something on the interweb that, once I put into action, really benefitted me.

The fed cut rates again, and an article I read suggested calling your credit card company to see if they could lower your APR. (My dad gave me this tip several years ago, but I never correlated it with dropping rates until now.) Basically, they won't lower it on their own. You have to call and ask for it.

Ask and you shall receive.

I called American Express (the only card I really ever use because it gets me miles) and inquired about a lower APR. They dropped mine from 15-point-something to 10-point-something. JUST BECAUSE I MADE THE CALL. 5 points.

Isn't that worth picking up the phone?

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