Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today is the greatest... I've ever known.

You can almost hear the Smashing Pumpkins, can't you?

Here's why:It's Girl Scout cookie delivery day!!!
I love me some Tagalongs.
They're going to sit here in their boxes taunting me all day, but I have to resist. I think when I got the shipment from my parents while I was living in Paris I ate a whole box in one setting. No bueno.

Other reasons we're so far so good this morning:

When I walked in my office, Ben was watching "The Philadelphia Story." I LOVE The Philadelphia Story!!

Then Nicole sent me this trailer, and I laughed out loud really big *twice.

In addition, it's day 11 of my 12-day work week, so I finally am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I've got a story to write before heading to a screening for "Married Life."

But before I do, I was thinking as I drove to work this morning about Ned and his new glasses. That's right my nephew Ned got glasses. The story behind it is cute, in a sorta sad way. (He called me recently to relate it all.)

One night he and Matthew were in the kitchen with the tv on in the adjacent living room. Matthew read aloud something on the crawler of the tv. Ned was like "You can read that?!" Matthew replied just as shocked "You can't?!" After all, Ned is 9 and a half. Has he not been seeing well all along? Apparently not. When Ned was telling me the story he actually said "It's nice to see the world." Kinda hilarious, kinda sad.

I've worn glasses since I was two years old. In that time I've obviously worn a variety of frames and probably been called four eyes (altho being teased for my big lips is what I remember most). Well the other night at the Penelope premiere, Reese Witherspoon was talking to the guy ahead of me in line on the carpet and he was asking her what she had to deal with growing up. She was like, oh, I had these HUGE glasses. And went on to describe the ones we visionally challenged all had in elementary school. I laughed a little bit and she looked at me (obviously wearing glasses) and was like, yeah, you know what I mean...and then Oscar Winner Reese Witherspoon and I bonded over wearing glasses too big for our little faces.

I hope Ned is spared any major teasing. Then again, he'll probably be able to wear contacts.

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