Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's a dog-eat-dog world

NDG and I rarely disagree when it comes to entertainment, well ok, usually we have differing opinions on the quality of Grey's Anatomy episodes, but for the most part, we're onboard with each other.

Until now.

The subject of our discord? Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

NDG says it will give kids the wrong impression that it's better to be from Beverly Hills than Mexico.

She's probably right. But commercialism and patriotism is shoved down their throats enough that I don't think this eensy teensy adorable hilarious-looking movie about miniature dogs is really going to make a difference in their way of thinking.

I do worry however that it might only work in trailer form and not be able to continue the entertainment and laughs long enough to sustain a feature length film.

I showed it to Jon and he admitted it was catchy.
Now it's your turn.

1 comment:

Nicole D. said...

i don't like when we disagree...but i guess we have to sometimes right?