Thursday, October 2, 2008

5 Things I Learned from Kirk Cameron

1. Marriage is universal. (Was he trying in some way to say No on Prop 8? I think so.)
2. He refuses to kiss another woman so they used his wife Chelsea Noble as a stand-in for the woman playing his wife during the movie's romantic scene.
3. First responders (police, fire) have a 75-90% divorce rate.
4. Don't follow your heart. Lead your heart. (That's the lesson he learned from the movie.)
5. Fireproof will be more helpful than Growing Pains.

(That last one came after I told him I was going to play the Growing Pains Theme Song at my wedding. Yes I did. Nobody was cutting me off and after more than 8 minutes I was over talking about Fireproof. We're lucky I resisted the STRONG urge to blurt out "Michael Aaron Seaver!")

His new movie is called "Fireproof" and it's basically a box office phenomenon.

The interview was via satellite. Which means I was on the phone and could see him, but he couldn't see me. Which means for the first couple seconds until our connection hooked up he was on screen repeating my name all sing songy like. Which means I was being honest when the first thing I said was: "I finally get the chance to interview you and it's via satellite."

He looked cute. The same. Put together. He didn't talk or act crazy. He spoke smartly and brought up the movie's title quite frequently. He was nice and answered all of my questions. There was afterglow.

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