Friday, October 17, 2008

Insert Sad Face Here

1. I'm not a HUGE dessert person. But I like cookies. Especially these:
But apparently I won't be able to get them anymore. This cloud's silver lining is that at least I can make snickerdoodles, so I know they can't take those away from me.

2. Then in MORE say it isn't so news.....THIS happens. I love Once. I love Glen and Mar. I'm going to Ireland by myself for craps sake to see them perform in a church because I can't fathom the awesomeness. But WHY??? Why rob this little movie of what it is so perfectly by turning it into something so produced? PS I saw Dirty Dancing the Stage Show. If that's any indicator...abort mission now. Please. For the love of God. No, seriously. I'm not kidding.
3. I could have met Dave Grohl last night. But instead I was seeing this. I love pajamas. And little kids. I knew this movie would be tough based on the storyline, but I had to see it, as I'm doing the junket this weekend. (See? this job - even tho it's a lot of movies and a lot of fun - isn't ALWAYS about fun movies.) This movie BROKE MY HEART. My chest literally hurt as I drove away from the screening room. There were heaves. I'll show you the trailer and I'll never speak of it again. The performances were great, but it's tough to call a movie like this "good" and I don't feel like I wanna tell anyone to see it. I've had a lot of talks since seeing it about *why movies like this are made. All I can figure is that it gives us a different perspective on a subject we already know was horrible.

4. My housekeeper isn't working out as well as I had hoped. I don't know if I'm being picky or if she's not doing a good job. Since I've asked her repeatedly to focus on the floors and have evidence that she's not moving things before cleaning, I'm leaning toward her not doing a good job.

Instead of posting my brother's comment to my previous blog entry, I'm going to throw in something we can agree on. Taylor Swift.

There's a reason I'm not political. And this week I was reminded of why.

Speaking of my bro and politics, I have plans to see W. tonight. I also wanna see Secret Life of Bees this wkend. And I have the aforementioned junket. I've met Vera Farmiga before and enjoy her, so that's my silver lining there.

Still enjoying reading the Twilight books. I literally read until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. I'd rather be reading them than just about anything else. I like how this series - as much as Harry Potter did years ago - is encouraging young people to read. I'm not into vampires or sci fi or anything, but Stephanie Meyer taps into that adolescent romance that I relate to all too well. Another cool thing is that if you go to her website, you can check out the songs she listened to while writing. A soundtrack to the book if you will. Music AND Books and a movie to boot? YES PLEASE.

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